Policies allow administrators to impose restrictions and set default values for researcher workloads. Restrictions and default values can be placed on CPUs, GPUs, and other resources or entities. For more information, see Policies.
Retrieve a list of all the applied policies.
Request completed successfully.
unexpected error
{- "policies": [
- {
- "type": "workspace",
- "meta": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "tenantId": 1001,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": "string",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "status": {
- "clusters": [
- {
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "status": "Not ready",
- "errorMessage": "string"
], - "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
Use to apply changes to training policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
}, - "nodeType": "my-node-type",
- "nodePools": [
- "my-node-pool-a",
- "my-node-pool-b"
], - "podAffinity": {
- "type": "Required",
- "key": "string"
}, - "environmentVariables": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "HOME",
- "value": "/home/my-folder",
- "secret": {
- "name": "postgress_secret",
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": "my-config-map",
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
}, - "annotations": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "billing",
- "value": "my-billing-unit",
- "exclude": false
}, - "labels": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "stage",
- "value": "initial-research",
- "exclude": false
}, - "tolerations": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "string",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
}, - "terminateAfterPreemption": false,
- "autoDeletionTimeAfterCompletionSeconds": 15,
- "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 20,
- "backoffLimit": 3,
- "ports": {
- "attributes": {
- "container": 8080,
- "serviceType": "LoadBalancer",
- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "container": 8080,
- "serviceType": "LoadBalancer",
- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
}, - "exposedUrls": {
- "attributes": {
- "container": 8080,
- "authorizedUsers": [
- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
], - "toolType": "jupyter",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "url-instance-a"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "container": 8080,
- "authorizedUsers": [
- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
], - "toolType": "jupyter",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "url-instance-a"
}, - "relatedUrls": {
}, - "priorityClass": "build",
- "completions": 1,
- "parallelism": 1,
- "security": {
- "uidGidSource": "fromTheImage",
- "capabilities": [
- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
], - "seccompProfileType": "RuntimeDefault",
- "runAsNonRoot": true,
- "readOnlyRootFilesystem": false,
- "runAsUid": 500,
- "runAsGid": 30,
- "supplementalGroups": "2,3,5,8",
- "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false,
- "hostIpc": false,
- "hostNetwork": false
}, - "compute": {
- "gpuDevicesRequest": 1,
- "gpuRequestType": "portion",
- "gpuPortionRequest": 0.5,
- "gpuPortionLimit": 0.5,
- "gpuMemoryRequest": "10M",
- "gpuMemoryLimit": "10M",
- "migProfile": "1g.5gb",
- "cpuCoreRequest": 0.5,
- "cpuCoreLimit": 2,
- "cpuMemoryRequest": "20M",
- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
- "largeShmRequest": false,
- "extendedResources": {
- "attributes": {
- "resource": "hardware-vendor.example/foo",
- "quantity": 2,
- "exclude": false
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "resource": "hardware-vendor.example/foo",
- "quantity": 2,
- "exclude": false
}, - "storage": {
- "dataVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
}, - "pvc": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/my-claim",
- "existingPvc": false,
- "claimName": "my-claim",
- "readOnly": false,
- "ephemeral": false,
- "claimInfo": {
- "size": "1G",
- "storageClass": "my-storage-class",
- "accessModes": {
- "readWriteOnce": null,
- "readOnlyMany": null,
- "readWriteMany": null
}, - "volumeMode": "Filesystem"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/my-claim",
- "existingPvc": false,
- "claimName": "my-claim",
- "readOnly": false,
- "ephemeral": false,
- "claimInfo": {
- "size": null,
- "storageClass": null,
- "accessModes": null,
- "volumeMode": null
}, - "hostPath": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/directory",
- "readOnly": true,
- "mountPath": "/local/directory",
- "mountPropagation": "None"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/directory",
- "readOnly": true,
- "mountPath": "/local/directory",
- "mountPropagation": "None"
}, - "nfs": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/nfs",
- "readOnly": true,
- "server": "my.nfs.com",
- "mountPath": "/local/nfs"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/nfs",
- "readOnly": true,
- "server": "my.nfs.com",
- "mountPath": "/local/nfs"
}, - "git": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "branch": "main",
- "revision": "string",
- "path": "/container/my-repository",
- "passwordSecret": "my-password-secret",
- "secretKeyOfUser": "User",
- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "branch": "main",
- "revision": "string",
- "path": "/container/my-repository",
- "passwordSecret": "my-password-secret",
- "secretKeyOfUser": "User",
- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
}, - "configMapVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "configMap": "string",
- "mountPath": "string"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "configMap": "string",
- "mountPath": "string"
}, - "secretVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "mountPath": "string",
- "secret": "string"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "mountPath": "string",
- "secret": "string"
}, - "s3": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "bucket": "my-bucket",
- "path": "/container/my-bucket",
- "accessKeySecret": "my-access-key-secret",
- "secretKeyOfAccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": "SecretKey"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "bucket": "my-bucket",
- "path": "/container/my-bucket",
- "accessKeySecret": "my-access-key-secret",
- "secretKeyOfAccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": "SecretKey"
}, - "rules": {
- "command": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "args": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "image": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "imagePullPolicy": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "Always",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "workingDir": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "createHomeDir": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "periodSeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [ ]
}, - "port": {
- "sourceOfRule": null,
- "required": null,
- "canEdit": null,
- "min": null,
- "max": null,
- "step": null,
- "defaultFrom": null
}, - "host": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [ ]
}, - "scheme": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [ ]
}, - "nodeType": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "nodePools": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
], - "canEdit": true
}, - "podAffinity": {
- "type": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "Required",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "key": {
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "environmentVariables": {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "displayed": null
}, - "key": {
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- {
- "value": null,
- "displayed": null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "USER"
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "autoDeletionTimeAfterCompletionSeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
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- "factor": 1
}, - "backoffLimit": {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
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- "factor": 1
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": null,
- "displayed": null
}, - "customExternalPort": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "external": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
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- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
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- "factor": 1
}, - "toolType": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "toolName": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "instances": {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "exposedUrls": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "defaultFrom": {
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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}, - "url": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "authorizedUsers": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
], - "canEdit": true
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "toolName": {
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- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- {
- "value": "build",
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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- "min": 0,
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- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "security": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "fromTheImage",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "capabilities": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "options": [
- {
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], - "canEdit": true
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": "RuntimeDefault",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "runAsNonRoot": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "readOnlyRootFilesystem": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "runAsUid": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "runAsGid": {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
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- "factor": 1
}, - "supplementalGroups": {
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "allowPrivilegeEscalation": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
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}, - "hostIpc": {
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- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "hostNetwork": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true
}, - "compute": {
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "cpuCoreLimit": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "cpuMemoryRequest": {
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": "string",
- "max": "string",
- "defaultFrom": {
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- {
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- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "worker.compute.gpu"
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- "name": "my-policy"
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- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
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- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
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- "port": 1,
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- "scheme": "HTTP"
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- "nodePools": [
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "postgress_secret",
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- "name": "my-config-map",
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- {
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "KILL"
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- {
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "KILL"
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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Use to apply a training policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
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- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
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- "port": 1,
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- "scheme": "HTTP"
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- {
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "user-b"
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- "options": [
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- "options": [
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
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- "failureThreshold": 1,
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "postgress_secret",
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- {
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- "seconds": 1,
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- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-a",
- "user-b"
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- "group-a",
- "group-b"
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "KILL"
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- {
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- "options": [ ]
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}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve the details of an training policy for a given organizational unit.
Request completed successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "tenantId": 1001,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": "string",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
}, - "nodeType": "my-node-type",
- "nodePools": [
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "type": "Required",
- "key": "string"
}, - "environmentVariables": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "HOME",
- "value": "/home/my-folder",
- "secret": {
- "name": "postgress_secret",
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": "my-config-map",
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "exclude": false
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- "seconds": 1,
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- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "min": 0,
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- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "max": 0,
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- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "min": "string",
- "max": "string",
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "max": "string",
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "attributes": {
- "quantity": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "dataVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "id": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "mountPath": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "canEdit": true
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- "required": true,
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- "options": [ ]
}, - "storageClass": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [ ]
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- "readOnlyMany": null,
- "readWriteMany": null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "attributes": {
- "path": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- { }
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "canEdit": true
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "git": {
- "attributes": {
- "repository": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "branch": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "configMapVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "configMap": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "mountPath": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "canAdd": true,
- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "secretVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "secret": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "mountPath": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "instances": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "canAdd": true,
- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "s3": {
- "attributes": {
- "bucket": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "path": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "url": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "instances": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "canAdd": true,
- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "imposedAssets": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "status": {
- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Use to delete a training policy for a given organizational unit.
The policy was deleted successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "code": 400,
- "message": "Required parameter is missing"
Use to apply changes to workspace policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
}, - "nodeType": "my-node-type",
- "nodePools": [
- "my-node-pool-a",
- "my-node-pool-b"
], - "podAffinity": {
- "type": "Required",
- "key": "string"
}, - "environmentVariables": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "HOME",
- "value": "/home/my-folder",
- "secret": {
- "name": "postgress_secret",
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": "my-config-map",
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
}, - "annotations": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "billing",
- "value": "my-billing-unit",
- "exclude": false
}, - "labels": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "stage",
- "value": "initial-research",
- "exclude": false
}, - "tolerations": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "string",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
}, - "terminateAfterPreemption": false,
- "autoDeletionTimeAfterCompletionSeconds": 15,
- "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 20,
- "backoffLimit": 3,
- "ports": {
- "attributes": {
- "container": 8080,
- "serviceType": "LoadBalancer",
- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "container": 8080,
- "serviceType": "LoadBalancer",
- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
}, - "exposedUrls": {
- "attributes": {
- "container": 8080,
- "authorizedUsers": [
- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
], - "toolType": "jupyter",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "url-instance-a"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "container": 8080,
- "authorizedUsers": [
- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
], - "toolType": "jupyter",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "url-instance-a"
}, - "relatedUrls": {
}, - "priorityClass": "build",
- "security": {
- "uidGidSource": "fromTheImage",
- "capabilities": [
- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
], - "seccompProfileType": "RuntimeDefault",
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- "readOnlyRootFilesystem": false,
- "runAsUid": 500,
- "runAsGid": 30,
- "supplementalGroups": "2,3,5,8",
- "allowPrivilegeEscalation": false,
- "hostIpc": false,
- "hostNetwork": false
}, - "compute": {
- "gpuDevicesRequest": 1,
- "gpuRequestType": "portion",
- "gpuPortionRequest": 0.5,
- "gpuPortionLimit": 0.5,
- "gpuMemoryRequest": "10M",
- "gpuMemoryLimit": "10M",
- "migProfile": "1g.5gb",
- "cpuCoreRequest": 0.5,
- "cpuCoreLimit": 2,
- "cpuMemoryRequest": "20M",
- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
- "largeShmRequest": false,
- "extendedResources": {
- "attributes": {
- "resource": "hardware-vendor.example/foo",
- "quantity": 2,
- "exclude": false
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "resource": "hardware-vendor.example/foo",
- "quantity": 2,
- "exclude": false
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- "attributes": {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
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- "ephemeral": false,
- "claimInfo": {
- "size": "1G",
- "storageClass": "my-storage-class",
- "accessModes": {
- "readWriteOnce": null,
- "readOnlyMany": null,
- "readWriteMany": null
}, - "volumeMode": "Filesystem"
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- {
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- "claimInfo": {
- "size": null,
- "storageClass": null,
- "accessModes": null,
- "volumeMode": null
}, - "hostPath": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/directory",
- "readOnly": true,
- "mountPath": "/local/directory",
- "mountPropagation": "None"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/directory",
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- "mountPath": "/local/directory",
- "mountPropagation": "None"
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- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- "server": "my.nfs.com",
- "mountPath": "/local/nfs"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "path": "/container/nfs",
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- "server": "my.nfs.com",
- "mountPath": "/local/nfs"
}, - "git": {
- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "branch": "main",
- "revision": "string",
- "path": "/container/my-repository",
- "passwordSecret": "my-password-secret",
- "secretKeyOfUser": "User",
- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "branch": "main",
- "revision": "string",
- "path": "/container/my-repository",
- "passwordSecret": "my-password-secret",
- "secretKeyOfUser": "User",
- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- "attributes": {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- "secret": "string"
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- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "mountPath": "string",
- "secret": "string"
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- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- "path": "/container/my-bucket",
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- "secretKeyOfAccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": "SecretKey"
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- {
- "name": "storage-instance-a",
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- "path": "/container/my-bucket",
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- "secretKeyOfAccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": "SecretKey"
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
- "value": "Always",
- "displayed": "string"
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "projectId": 3
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "options": [ ]
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- "options": [ ]
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- "options": [ ]
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- {
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- {
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- "failureThreshold": 1,
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "KILL"
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- "USER"
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- "options": [
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- "options": [
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Ue to apply a workspace policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
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- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
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- "probes": {
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- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "user-b"
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- "mountPropagation": "None"
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- null
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- "options": [
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- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "postgress_secret",
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- {
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- "seconds": 1,
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
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- "group-b"
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- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
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- "group-b"
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- "KILL"
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- {
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- "KILL"
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- "options": [
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- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve the details of a workspace policy for a given organizational unit.
Request completed successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "tenantId": 1001,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": "string",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
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- "nodePools": [
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "key": "string"
}, - "environmentVariables": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "HOME",
- "value": "/home/my-folder",
- "secret": {
- "name": "postgress_secret",
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": "my-config-map",
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
}, - "annotations": {
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- "exclude": false
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- {
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- "seconds": 1,
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- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
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- "gpuMemoryLimit": "10M",
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- "extendedResources": {
- "attributes": {
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- {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "defaultFrom": {
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "attributes": {
- "quantity": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "dataVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "id": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [ ]
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [ ]
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- "readWriteMany": null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- { }
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "git": {
- "attributes": {
- "repository": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "branch": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "configMapVolume": {
- "attributes": {
- "configMap": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "mountPath": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "attributes": {
- "secret": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "s3": {
- "attributes": {
- "bucket": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
}, - "path": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "locked": [
- "HOME",
- "USER"
}, - "imposedAssets": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "status": {
- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Use to delete a workspace policy for a given organizational unit.
The policy was deleted successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "code": 400,
- "message": "Required parameter is missing"
Use to apply changes to distributed policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "worker": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": null,
- "port": null,
- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
}, - "nodeType": "my-node-type",
- "nodePools": [
- "my-node-pool-a",
- "my-node-pool-b"
], - "podAffinity": {
- "type": "Required",
- "key": "string"
}, - "environmentVariables": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "HOME",
- "value": "/home/my-folder",
- "secret": {
- "name": null,
- "key": null
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": null,
- "key": null
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
}, - "annotations": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "billing",
- "value": "my-billing-unit",
- "exclude": false
}, - "labels": {
- "instances": [
- {
- "name": "stage",
- "value": "initial-research",
- "exclude": false
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- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
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- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
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- {
- "name": "string",
- "operator": "Equal",
- "key": "string",
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- "seconds": 1,
- "exclude": false
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- "autoDeletionTimeAfterCompletionSeconds": 15,
- "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 20,
- "backoffLimit": 3,
- "ports": {
- "attributes": {
- "container": 8080,
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- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- {
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- "external": 30080,
- "toolType": "pytorch",
- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "container": 8080,
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- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- {
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- "user-a",
- "user-b"
], - "authorizedGroups": [
- "group-a",
- "group-b"
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
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- "hostNetwork": false
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- "gpuMemoryLimit": "10M",
- "migProfile": "1g.5gb",
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
- "largeShmRequest": false,
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- "resource": "hardware-vendor.example/foo",
- "quantity": 2,
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- {
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- "quantity": null,
- "exclude": null
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- "attributes": {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "mountPath": "/mnt/data"
}, - "instances": [
- {
- "id": null,
- "mountPath": null
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- "claimInfo": {
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- "accessModes": null,
- "volumeMode": null
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- {
- "name": null,
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- "claimInfo": null
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- "mountPropagation": "None"
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- {
- "name": null,
- "path": null,
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- "mountPath": "/local/nfs"
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- {
- "name": null,
- "path": null,
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- "mountPath": null
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- "path": "/container/my-repository",
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- {
- "name": null,
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": null
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- "name": "storage-instance-a",
- "configMap": "string",
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}, - "instances": [
- {
- "name": null,
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- "mountPath": null
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- "secret": null
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- "secretKeyOfAccessKeyId": "AccessKeyId",
- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": "SecretKey"
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- {
- "name": null,
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- "path": null,
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- "secretKeyOfSecretKey": null
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- "slotsPerWorker": 1,
- "minReplicas": 0,
- "maxReplicas": 0,
- "cleanPodPolicy": "None"
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- "args": "-x my-script.py",
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- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
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- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": null,
- "port": null,
- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "my-node-pool-a",
- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "key": null
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- "name": null,
- "key": null
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "exclude": false
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- {
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- "value": "initial-research",
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- "effect": "NoSchedule",
- "seconds": 1,
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- "user-b"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "CHOWN",
- "KILL"
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- {
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- "exclude": null
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- {
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- "worker": {
- "command": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "args": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "image": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
- "displayed": "A description of the value."
}, - "imagePullPolicy": {
- "required": true,
- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "Always",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "workingDir": {
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "value",
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- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
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- "port": null,
- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "key": null
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- "key": null
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- "KILL"
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- {
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- "errorMessage": "string"
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Use to apply a distributed policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
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- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
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- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
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- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
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- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "key": null
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": null,
- "key": null
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- "scheme": null
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- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- {
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- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
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- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "KILL"
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- "KILL"
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- {
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- {
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- "HOME",
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- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve the details of a distributed policy for a given organizational unit.
Request completed successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "tenantId": 1001,
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- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "departmentId": 2,
- "name": "my-policy"
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- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
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- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
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- "port": null,
- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "key": null
}, - "configMap": {
- "name": null,
- "key": null
}, - "exclude": false,
- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "group-b"
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- "KILL"
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- "maxReplicas": 0,
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- "host": null,
- "scheme": null
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "options": [
- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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- "scheme": null
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- "KILL"
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
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- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
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- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Use to delete a distributed policy for a given organizational unit.
The policy was deleted successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "code": 400,
- "message": "Required parameter is missing"
Use to apply changes to inference policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- "user.b@example.com"
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- {
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "KILL"
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- "user.b@example.com"
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- "periodSeconds": 1,
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- "KILL"
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- "user.b@example.com"
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- {
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- "displayed": "A description of the value."
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Use to apply an inference policy for a given organizational unit.
Policy applied.
Bad request.
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
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- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "seconds": 1,
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- "user.b@example.com"
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "name": "postgress_secret",
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- {
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "user-b"
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- "group-b"
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- "user-b"
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- "name": "url-instance-a"
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- "cpuMemoryLimit": "30M",
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- {
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- "readWriteMany": null
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- "secretKeyOfPassword": "Password"
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- "KILL"
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- "user.b@example.com"
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- {
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- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve the details of an inference policy for a given organizational unit.
Request completed successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "meta": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "tenantId": 1001,
- "clusterId": "71f69d83-ba66-4822-adf5-55ce55efd210",
- "createdBy": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedBy": "string",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "scope": "system",
- "projectId": 1,
- "departmentId": 2,
- "name": "my-policy"
}, - "policy": {
- "defaults": {
- "command": "python",
- "args": "-x my-script.py",
- "image": "python:3.8",
- "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
- "workingDir": "/home/myfolder",
- "createHomeDir": true,
- "probes": {
- "readiness": {
- "initialDelaySeconds": 0,
- "periodSeconds": 1,
- "timeoutSeconds": 1,
- "successThreshold": 1,
- "failureThreshold": 1,
- "handler": {
- "httpGet": {
- "path": "/",
- "port": 1,
- "host": "example.com",
- "scheme": "HTTP"
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- "nodePools": [
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- "my-node-pool-b"
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- {
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- "value": "/home/my-folder",
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- "name": "postgress_secret",
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- "name": "my-config-map",
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- "description": "Home directory of the user."
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- "toolName": "my-pytorch",
- "name": "port-instance-a"
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- "gpuPortionLimit": 0.5,
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- "options": [
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- {
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- {
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- "projectId": 3
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- {
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [ ]
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- "readWriteOnce": null,
- "readOnlyMany": null,
- "readWriteMany": null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
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- { }
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "attributes": {
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
- null
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- null
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- "options": [
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "options": [
- null
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- null
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- "projectId": 3
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- "HOME",
- "USER"
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "min": 0,
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- "factor": 1
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- "options": [
- {
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "factor": 1
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- "projectId": 3
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- "max": 0,
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- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
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- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
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- "canEdit": false,
- "options": [
- {
- "value": "http_requests_total",
- "displayed": "string"
}, - "metricThreshold": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "concurrencyHardLimit": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "scaleToZeroRetentionSeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "scaleDownDelaySeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "initializationTimeoutSeconds": {
- "sourceOfRule": {
- "scope": "project",
- "projectId": 3
}, - "required": true,
- "canEdit": true,
- "min": 0,
- "max": 0,
- "step": 0,
- "defaultFrom": {
- "field": "string",
- "factor": 1
}, - "imposedAssets": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "status": {
- "validation": {
- "errorMessage": "string"
}, - "effectiveUpdatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Use to delete an inference policy for a given organizational unit.
The policy was deleted successfully.
Bad request.
The specified resource was not found
unexpected error
{- "code": 400,
- "message": "Required parameter is missing"